
Retention policy

To provide our Users with easily accessible information on how we store their information, we have prepared this easy-to-read table with information on the storage and retention of their personal data.

This policy may be changed at any time by publishing it on our website.

To provide the best User experience, we store the information collected by our App until the User requests us to erase it, or until the User closes their Account, all in accordance with the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

In case the User decides to stop using our Services and deactivates the Account, we shall delete User registration data.

Rest of the data, generated by using the App, shall become depersonalized data (which means that it will no longer be linked with any identifiable User).

Please also note that User’s personal data may be stored for longer than below indicated timeframes in cases specified in the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

Below you can find the most important categories of personal data we store, as well as their retention periods.

Personal dataWhat is it?Retention period
User registration dataName, surname, email address,3 month after deactivation of
 mobile phone number or socialUser Account
 media profile 
User verification dataData, used to verify User’s3 month after deactivation of
 identity (photo, ID, acial/videoUser Account
User verification confirmationConfirmation from the provider3 month after deactivation of
dataof verification services regardingUser Account
 User’s identity 
Additional User verificationInformation, which the User has3 months after deactivation of
datamade publicly available (such asUser Account
 friends list, email address, 
 address, birth date, image, 
 geospatial data, occupation, 
 work, websites, liked pages, 
User device IDDevice-specific information3 months after deactivation of
 (such as your hardware model,User Account
 operating system version, 
 unique device identifiers, and 
 mobile network information 
 including phone number 
History and information onDescription of the deal and the3 months after deactivation of
your dealsgoods price, specifications,User Account
 payment method, photos and 
 other terms and conditions 
Log informationAutomatically collected3 months after deactivation of
 information stored in server logs,User Account
 such as details of how you used 
 our Mobile App, 
 device event information, such 
 as crashes system activity, 
 hardware settings, browser type, 
 browser language, the date and 
 time of your request and referral 
 URL, cookies that may uniquely 
 identify your browser or your 
 App Account 
Chat informationChat, messaging and3 months after deactivation of
 conversation history betweenUser Account
History of claims orDetails of the complaints and3 months after deactivation of
complaints made by the Userclaims, including the achievedUser Account
 resolution or agreement 
User review historyReviews of the User by other3 months after deactivation of
 UsersUser Account
User’s behaviour in our AppClicks, visited sections on our3 months after deactivation of
 AppUser Account
Blockchain wallet addressAddress of User’s blockchain3 months after deactivation of
 wallet, used processUser Account
Preferred method of paymentSuch as credit card, bank3 months after deactivation of
 transfer, PayPal or otherUser Account
Records of feedbackRecord of your communication3 months after deactivation of
 with usUser Account
Location dataLocation determined by IP3 months after deactivation of
 address, GPS and other sensorsUser Account
 that may, for example, provide 
 us with information on nearby 
 devices, Wi-Fi access 
Deals related data As long as mandatorily required
  by applicable laws
Other data As long as mandatorily required
  by applicable laws

We will further retain your personal data even after you have de-activated and closed your Account if reasonably necessary to comply with our legal obligations (including law enforcement requests), meet regulatory requirements, resolve disputes, maintain security, prevent fraud and abuse, enforce the Terms of Services. Specifically, we will continue storing your consents provided to us during registration and use of our App as long as this will be necessary to defend our rights, resolve disputes and meet Applicable regulatory requirements. After de-activation of your Account we will retain a unique User identifier (which shall be generated and composed as hash code from finite number of identification data, which you have provided to us during registration and verification steps with our App) for as long as Mobile App is in use and operation by Monetha or its legal successors. We will not be able to reverse engineer the said hash code to link or generate any personally identifiable data about you. The said hash code will be kept in the secure manner to prevent any link with the Depersonalised Data. Neither we, nor other Users or any third parties will be able to see the profile of a deactivated App Account.

In addition, information you have shared with other User of the App will remain visible after you have de-activated your App Account, and we do not control data that other Users copied out of our platform. After de-activation of your Account the contents of the deals, messaging, chats, conversations as well as other information, which you have provided through our platform to other Users, may still be available to other Users, therefore you should be careful when disseminating the said information about yourself or your family members. We will do our best to de-personalise such User provided content to the extent possible. Messaging content and ratings or review content associated with de-activated Accounts will be show an unknown User as the source.

For more information on how we collect and process your data, feel free to check out our Privacy policy.