
Monetha: White paper

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Our vision

The marketing industry, often unknown to many, operates largely on the exploitation of our data by a bewildering variety of middlemen: agencies, trading desks, demand side platforms, desktop, and mobile network exchanges, etc.

According to Pew Research, “Fully 91% of adults agree or strongly agree that users have lost control of how personal information is collected and used by companies.” A large majority, 64%, believe that the “government should do more to regulate advertisers” regarding how they use and store personal information. 

Imagine casually mentioning something to a friend and immediately being overwhelmed by advertisements. This is not surprising, given that a visit to a popular media site can often have 70 trackers set loose on the visitor. This is the product of tech giants tracking our online activities, decoding our behavior, and providing this information to eager advertisers. 

And users are left out of this equation. Everyone’s earning from your data. Except you. 

We are of the belief that user control over their digital footprint can pave the way for a more equitable interaction between consumers and businesses, benefiting all parties involved.

This is where Monetha steps in! We make your data work for you. We enable individuals to control their digital profiles and receive rewards for their data. 

By interacting with companies in a usual manner, users earn points redeemable for products, vouchers, and cryptocurrencies, or gain access to exclusive deals and discounts. Companies, in turn, equipped with your preferences, can better cater to your needs and earn your loyalty.

Think of your digital profile as a universal discount card that opens the door to an array of benefits.

Monetha is here to put the power back in your hands! We welcome you to join us on this exciting journey!

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Market overview

Key challenges that marketers are facing today:

      • Escalating customer acquisition costs through standard paid channels such as Meta, and Google, leading to inefficient marketing budgets and low conversion rates.
      • Subpar retention rates due to a lack of personalization and complex retargeting, exacerbated by stringent privacy requirements.
      • Diminishing revenue margins due to generic discounting schemes used to stimulate initial purchases.
      • Insufficient customer insight due to a lack of understanding of customer preferences and desires.


    Ecommerce is growing

    Global eCommerce sales are expected to total $5.545 trillion worldwide in 2025. This number is expected to continue growing over the coming years, proving that eCommerce is becoming an increasingly lucrative business option. 

    Of the total global retail sales in 2022, 21 percent is expected to come from online purchases. That is, $0.21 of every $1 spent on retail goods this year will be done over the internet. 

    Online sales will continue to rise, taking a larger piece of the retail pie. By 2025, world retail eCommerce sales will exceed $US 7.3 trillion, and the overall eCommerce share of retail sales will hit 24.5 percent. 

    The divide between online and in-store transactions widened significantly in 2020 and 2021 due to the coronavirus pandemic. With brick-and-mortar stores shut to curb the spread of the virus, consumers flocked online to make their purchases. Experts say the pandemic has accelerated the shift to online shopping by as many as five years.

    But that’s not the only reason eCommerce is on the rise. The infiltration of technology into consumers’ lives significantly impacted growth. DataReportal’s latest Global Overview Report shows the number of people shopping online worldwide grew by ten percent in 2022 to hit $US 3.78 billion. Up to 60.1% of all online purchases were attributed to mobile devices. 

    It’s no surprise that online sales will continue growing as consumers feel increasingly comfortable with the ease of shopping on mobile devices.



    Challenges in Retail


    Consumers are Choosing Multichannel Buying Experiences

    With more complete e-retail experiences available, and shipping times greatly reduced, it is little wonder around 96% of Americans utilize online shopping in one way or another.

    However, those same Americans spend about 65% of their total shopping budget in traditional brick-and-mortar locations. In other words, while almost everyone is shopping online, Americans still make more in-store purchases. 

    Customers are moving seamlessly between online and offline experiences and are open to retailers who can best facilitate these transitions. The explosion in mobile retail means in-store research, and access to loyalty is now more common than ever. Customers are looking for retailers that they can trust to deliver exceptional service time and time again.

    The right customer data can help them by creating an omnichannel customer experience that allows consumers to interact wherever and however they wish by incorporating real-time feedback across channels and devices – engaging the customer wherever they may be.


    To Attract Customer Loyalty, Retailers Need an Experience That Stands Out

    Customer experience is the biggest contributor to brand loyalty, with a negative experience being the most significant factor affecting a customer’s likelihood to make a repeat visit. While promotions and offers can certainly contribute to helping customers feel like they are special, the real key to an outstanding experience is personalization. Getting to know customers from their previous purchases and interests can help retailers drive loyalty. These insights can be gleaned from data.

    Personalized content and offers can be delivered via the customers’ preferred contact method – even a personalized email subject line can make a world of difference – anticipating their wants and needs and guiding them down the sales funnel towards their next purchase.


    Privacy is a growing concern

    Privacy is becoming a growing concern for consumers, eShops, and publishers. We can draw the following conclusions from the KPMG report on data collection practices:

        • Over the past year, 70% of the companies analyzed by KPMG expanded their collection of personal consumer data. Some 75% of the business leaders polled said that they’re comfortable with the level of data their company collects. 29% of companies admitted that their company has sometimes used unethical means to collect private data;
        • People are becoming even more skeptical and wary about their data being collected on the consumer front. 86% of the respondents said they are concerned about data privacy, while 78% expressed fears about the amount of data being collected. Some 40% of the consumers surveyed don’t trust companies to use their data ethically; 
        • 51% of consumers were worried about data being sold. Ironically, only 17% of the business leaders surveyed said their company sells data to others, a sign that businesses need to be more transparent about this practice to try to alleviate consumer fears.

      McKinsey and Ernst and Young also share this vision:


        Europe’s GDPR

        Europe’s GDPR is leading the charge in customer privacy protection. Since the enforcement of GDPR in May 2018, numerous privacy acts have been voted on globally, such as California’s CCPA in January 2020, Brazil’s LGDP in September 2020, Virginia’s CDPA in March 2021, and more are on the way. 

        The overall goal of these acts is to put a frame around first, second, and third-party data and their definition. Previously data was collected without the user’s consent and kept for an undetermined time.

        In a nutshell, “personal data” protection becomes a fundamental right. These regulations now require companies to inform users about the data collected about them and get explicit consent for its processing. The term “personal data” extends to any data considered PII (Personally Identifiable Information). The PII status for a data point can be quickly achieved as two parties crossing their databases will identify a specific user. For example, an action recorded from a particular IP address and collected by a website is PII. This is because the user can be personally identified if crossed with records from their ISP (Internet Service Provider). 

        Essentially it created a risk in the Ad (tracking) industry, which relies heavily on crossing and matching first, second and third-party data coming from thousands of sources to generate an extremely accurate user profile, sometimes expanding to over 50000 data points for a single user. Typically, each user will have hundreds of data points associated with them. Enacted privacy acts essentially limit this process, forcing companies to request and receive user consent for collecting their data, informing them of the purpose of any data collection, and limiting the storage time of this information.


        Apple’s ATT (App Tracking Transparency)

        Adding to the Privacy Regulations, Apple released a feature in iOS 14.5 in September 2021, obliging the consent from users to be tracked in the applications. The objective was to limit ad tracking: only 20% of users opted-in and gave their permission to be tracked.


        Marketing costs are outgrowing inflation

        Over the last several years, you may have stumbled upon many similar articles and reports on the topic: 

          According to the latest Merkel report, ads are becoming more expensive. Impressions on Facebook have decreased by 1%, while the CPM price has increased by 8% and was as high as 46% during Q3 compared to a previous period. Many offline businesses reached out to the online world due to pandemics between 2020 and 2021, which increased market competition. Additionally, more GDPR-related rules and especially Apple’s privacy updates have seriously impacted retargeting campaigns and lowered the overall CTR performance.

          This trend has also affected paid search strategies. A CPC, on average, has increased by 14% throughout 2021, leading to a drop in ad spending by 13%. Simply put, every marketing dollar can no longer drive the same amount of revenue to eShops as it did in the past.

          These marketing trends force companies to seek new opportunities to win over their audience. It also forces them to move their advertising to more recent social media platforms like Pinterest, Snapchat, and TikTok. However, experts envision that the price of advertising on those platforms is in the early phase of growing and following the same trends as Facebook and Google. 

          In addition, today’s reality is that social media strategies need to be staffed (by you or your team), and ads need to be paid/boosted. There is no way to get around it – whether you do it or hire an agency, the marketing budget needs to be spent. Paid ads aside, the time spent to manage a social media strategy alone costs time (and time = money).

          Although ad-spend on Facebook increased by 68% year-over-year in Q2 2021, impression growth did not follow the same pattern and was up only by 14% year-over-year, suggesting increased competition and CPM on the channel. Additionally, as the amount of content flooding Facebook has risen, each post from businesses or individuals is seeing less reach on average. In turn, each post doesn’t elicit the same purchasing behavior from customers as it once did. 

          To sum up:

              • GDPR complicated targeting for advertisers. Without knowing the conversion, FB and Google algorithms can’t be trained properly to reach the right audience.
              • Organic social reach is almost no longer feasible for businesses due to changes in the Facebook Newsfeed model in 2018. All social media has become almost purely a paid acquisition channel similar to TV.
              • Re-targeting stops working completely or requires much more effort to set up server-side tracking. This becomes complicated for small and medium-sized businesses that hire marketing agencies to take care of their marketing strategy.


            Personalization is a key driver

            Personalization becomes a key driver in building a loyal consumer base. Emails and social media presence were excellent marketing strategies for digital-native brands to keep a personal touch with their customers. However, the flooding of content on both channels is starting to build up customers’ general frustration, leading to a switch in user behavior trends.

            Consumers started to receive so many poorly personalized emails in their inboxes that it became difficult to set your brand apart from your competitors. Emails get lost in the shuffle because people are overloaded. According to a Hubspot survey, 51% of recipients claim to have canceled email subscriptions because of the number of emails received. Even though the unsubscribe rate of eCommerce-related emails is reaching only 5%, it is an alarming KPI for eCommerce-related businesses.

            Though social media encounters a different consequence, the increase in spending on paid advertising in social media continues to degrade organic outreach as the platforms get flooded with more business content. Many small and medium businesses rely on social platforms to track their business. They usually have lean marketing budgets that demand a return on investment. Organic outreach on Google and social media decreases due to increased paid advertising costs and the inability to retarget users accurately.

            Everything mentioned above makes customer retention a growing problem. According to the latest market research, returning customers lead to 68% of revenue due to a much lower acquisition cost. Losing or missing this additional revenue opportunity would mean losing the competitive advantage in new user acquisition. Affordable loyalty programs that enable you to enrich your customers’ profiles while building gamification to engage with your customers is a new trend in customer retention.

            The current level of personalization that most eShops fall back on is limited to what information they have about their customer. At present, this information is strictly limited to their purchase history and comes without having a truly personal affinity with their audience or an understanding of their interests. 

            The user profile is often a defining factor for their interaction with an eShop. It includes:

                • the traffic source (what were they doing before finding you);
                • the device the user is on (how much attention do you have from a user); 
                • how they interact with your site and products they’re interested in;
                • are they returning visitors (ones who didn’t purchase) or returning customers? 

              This profile is readily available through standard tools like Google Analytics. However, on its own, it doesn’t allow you to learn about the customers’ purchase intentions to adjust marketing activities. A set of data mining techniques needs to be applied by a team of data analysts to crunch the data and convert it to suitable material for the marketer to engage with the audience in a personalized fashion. This is less of an issue for larger enterprises; however, small and mid-sized companies will find it a daunting task due to the complexity of the problem and the lack of resources.

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              Consumers can control the data 

              It’s a well-known requirement that GDPR, CCPA, and other privacy regulations entitle service providers to make all the collected personal information available to the user. While this is happening either on request or as an action hidden somewhere deep in the account settings, it’s a matter of time before this data becomes programmatically accessible. Google and Facebook will no longer be walled gardens for users’ data, and consumers themselves will control and utilize the data spread across multiple platforms and services. 

              Those who want to prevent tracking or stay anonymous already have plenty of tools to achieve their privacy goals (e.g., starting from a simple non-techy action of not posting their home address to Facebook despite the option being available as a profile attribute :)).

              Technology makes it possible for users to control and maintain their digital profile on their devices instead of leaving it solely under the control of Facebook, Amazon, Google, or other tech platforms.

              We offer a solution that allows a user to maintain their digital profile with the ability to monetize their information or share it with local and smaller brands or services they already love in order to get personalized offers and better deals.

              Monetha Platform

              Monetha is a service that combines best features from cashback and affiliate services available on the market. This is made possible through our unique peer-to-peer data exchange technology, which facilitates secure and privacy-conscious information sharing between users and businesses, eliminating the need for intermediaries.

              Any online enterprise can effortlessly join our network via a straightforward plug-and-play integration, opening the doors to engaging with their audience in a more profound and meaningful way. This is particularly beneficial for smaller businesses that may not have access to the vast user data that their larger counterparts possess.

              Marketers get access to a powerful mechanism to incentivize users and get an opportunity to drive conversion and engagement by:

                  • Exposing their offerings to a shopping-oriented audience.
                  • Rewarding users for valuable actions such as brand referrals, social media opinion sharing, content creation, and more.
                  • Expressing gratitude towards loyal customers without the burden of managing a complex rewards catalog or direct partnerships.
                  • Tailoring their marketing initiatives based on a deeper understanding of their audience’s preferences collected through our platform.

                Consumers can interact with Brands or Online merchants who are part of our network through mobile app, browser extension or website. They can leverage their digital profile as a global rewards and discount card, unlocking a plethora of benefits valued up to and even beyond $US100 per month. 


                Monetha for Consumers

                Monetha users accumulate points for actively managing their online profiles and selectively sharing their data with partnered companies. These points can be redeemed through our expansive catalog for a wide array of rewards such as products, vouchers, crypto, or they can be used to unlock exclusive deals and offerings.

                Monetha users have the world at their fingertips, with access to a diverse range of partners both online and offline. This includes a myriad of options from online shopping portals to retail stores, bars, and restaurants that are all part of the expansive Monetha network.

                Interaction with a Monetha partner rewards the user with points, with returns potentially reaching up to 70% of the purchase price. Interactions, as defined by the partner, can be transaction-based, like the traditional cashback on purchases, or activity-based, such as referring a friend.

                Users seeking to further boost their points can:

                    • Opt to share their preference data with the Monetha partner. This data exchange is executed securely in a peer-to-peer fashion, and importantly, users maintain full control over their data. At any given time, users can revoke access and withdraw their consent, ensuring the partner no longer utilizes their data for marketing and personalization purposes.
                    • Engage in surveys and express thoughts on various brands, products, or services.
                    • Deposit MTH tokens to fast-track point accumulation and unveil exclusive deals.

                  The reward potential with Monetha is limitless, with our catalog brimming with options such as gift cards, cryptocurrencies, and discount codes.

                  True to our vision, we are tirelessly working towards enabling the linking of credit/debit cards and data from other apps. This move will streamline the process of point accumulation, facilitating both online and offline transactions and helping users to get more control of their digital fingerprints.


                  Monetha for Brands and Merchants

                  Companies joining the Monetha Partners Network gain access to a global community of value-conscious shoppers, benefit from affiliate and loyalty marketing, and address key existing challenges such as:

                      • Escalating customer acquisition costs through standard paid channels such as Meta and Google, leading to inefficient marketing budgets and low conversion rates.
                      • Subpar retention rates due to a lack of personalization and complex retargeting, exacerbated by stringent privacy requirements.
                      • Diminishing revenue margins due to generic discounting schemes used to stimulate initial purchases.
                      • Insufficient customer insight due to a lack of understanding about customer preferences and desires.

                    Monetha offers an economical and robust solution to these challenges. Partners can leverage it in conjunction with other marketing strategies.


                    1. Encourage user engagement and conversion by rewarding their desired behavior with cashback points.

                    Partners retain control over the budget allocated for cashback points, which are granted for transactions or other defined activities. Importantly, the flexibility for users to spend these points across multiple brands fosters motivation, incentivizing them to return to specific partners to accumulate more points.

                    Our solution further enhances this interaction by enabling the creation of diverse gamification campaigns, including email and onsite initiatives. For partners seeking deeper insight, we also offer the option of providing higher earning rates to users willing to share their zero-party data.


                    2. Launch Special deals.

                    Special deals that offer bigger discounts serve as a powerful tool for ensuring a steady cash flow and driving customer conversion and won’t impact pricing on your main website. With Monetha, managing these promotional tools becomes a breeze. Our platform amplifies your brand visibility among value-conscious shoppers.


                    3. Leverage the Power of Our Extensive Redemption Catalog.

                    Our redemption catalog serves as a magnetic attraction, enticing users who have accrued points to revisit your store. Not only does this drive repeat business, but it also fosters customer loyalty. Best of all, there is no need for your team to manage it. Instead, you can focus on understanding your audience and their needs. We pride ourselves on our vast and ever-growing inventory, ensuring there is always something enticing for your customers.

                    Monetha provides eShops with an all-in-one loyalty program plugin, beginning with Shopify and then expanding to major platforms like Magento, WooCommerce, Prestashop, and more.

                    While the solution is tailored towards online commerce at the moment, Brands and Retail merchants also can launch incentivization campaigns to drive more customers to their locations and promote special offers. 

                    In short, online businesses and brands are able to use their marketing budgets effectively and do the following: 

                        • Gamify interactions and distribute Monetha Points for every customer purchase or activity.
                        • Reward customers for non-transactional actions like subscribing to a newsletter or referring a friend.
                        • Boost brand visibility among shopping-oriented audiences.
                        • Access user’s Zero Party Data (ZPD) in exchange for Monetha Points or MTH tokens.

                      MTH Token

                      Our token, the MTH, not only expands the capabilities of our platform but also contributes to the wider adoption of cryptocurrency. Monetha operates with its own reward currency – ‘Monetha Points’ – alongside the MTH token. This dual system allows even those Partners who are not versed in cryptocurrency to participate effectively on the platform.

                      The primary role of the MTH Token is to provide value to the user’s digital profile, unlocking an array of benefits on the platform:

                          • Amplify the rate at which Monetha Points are earned
                          • Gain access to exclusive community-only deals
                          • Avail of superior redemption options and favorable conversion rates when cashing out in crypto.

                        There are multiple ways to earn Monetha Points, and the MTH Token allows users to significantly enhance their earning rate:

                            • Interact with Monetha Partners via the app or directly on their websites, earning a portion of the merchant’s affiliate commission from transactions or be rewarded for other activity
                            • Enhance their profile, complete surveys, and engage in other activities set by Monetha Partners
                            • Share preference data (zero-party data) with merchants in return for Monetha Points

                          Users can exchange Monetha Points for the following rewards and benefits in our redemption catalog with improved conditions in case the user is staking MTH Tokens:

                              • Convert Monetha Points to Crypto (BTC, ETH, USDT, BNB, and MTH)
                              • Purchase a Gift Card
                              • Make charity donations
                              • Apply for discounts within our Partners’ network 

                            In addition to being able to Accelerate Monetha points accumulation and receive benefits faster users who deposited MTH Tokens also have the following benefits:

                                • Get access to exclusive deals from the Partners Network, which are available only to MTH token holders (e.g., order an iPhone for 10000 Monetha Points, where 1000 Monetha Points = 1$)
                                • Convert MTH tokens to Monetha Points
                                • Participate in Monthly giveaways and special events from Brands within the Partners Network.

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