
Stake MTH
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New feature: MTH Staking

Get what you deserve. Receive increased rewards back on each purchase. Save more and get access to exclusive deals. 

Enjoy the smart way of online shopping.

The more you shop the more you save

How it works

Enjoy the smart way of online shopping.

Sign up and save

Complete your profile and reap the rewards every time you shop.

Shop in the app

A world of great shops and shopping at your fingertips.

Grow your points

Sit back and watch your points grow with every purchase.

What you get

Exchange your points for hundreds of valuable rewards.

Things you can spend your Monetha points on.

Your points your choice

Convert your points

You’ve earned the points and now the choice is yours what to do with them. With Monetha, you can convert your points for gift cards from hundreds of top brand stores and products, exchange them for high-performing crypto, or even make a donations to the charity of your choice. It’s up to you.

Exchange Monetha points for gift cards
Redeem Monetha points for crypto
Donate Monetha points to charity


Complete your profile for even greater savings

The more you complete your profile, the more points you earn.


Download app now!

Easy to start earn rewards

It couldn’t be easier — download the app and start saving right away!

Your rewards are waiting

Easy to start earn rewards

Make a purchase using your Monetha app

We follow your sales journey experience

We calculate and apply your purchase points

stay tuned for smart shopping news!

You might want to know

Frequently asked questions

In a word, YES, your data is safe. In fact, it’s super safe.

Monetha is designed and built with privacy and security as our Number 1 priority, with no compromises. You can rest assured that your data is protected with the highest-level of security encryption that can only be decrypted by a ‘key’ that is directly linked to your device/s. To put it simply, this means that ONLY YOUR authorized devices can read the encrypted data. On our servers, your data looks like a series of random numbers and letters, nothing more.

Using our advanced recovery key mechanism, we ensure that YOU and only YOU can access your data at any time.

As double protection, and for your convenience, to avoid loosing access to your account you can choose to securely store a copy of your password protected ‘key’ on our servers.

Only you can choose who sees your data. When you share your profile with an online shop or service provider in exchange for extra benefits, Monetha employs a highly secure data exchange protocol designed to prevent unauthorized access to your data.

There are two ways in which you can earn rewards with Monetha.

Firstly, you can shop online using the Monetha App; for every purchase you make we give you rewards based on the amount of money you spend. The more you spend, the more you earn.

Secondly, when you shop with some of our selected partners using the Monetha App, you’ll be offered a unique instant discount in return for sharing your profile information with the retailer or service provider.

This has proven to be the most popular means of earning even greater rewards from the data you provide online.

We are continuously exploring new ways for you to spend your valuable rewards online. For now, you can choose between exchanging your earned points for gift cards from some of the world’s top retailers, making a donation to the charity of your choice, or by redeeming your points for crypto currency.

Your points, your choice.